Sunday, February 5, 2017

Difference between techniques and technology

  • Technique is a way or style of doing things,whereas the technology  is the application of scientific principles behind the working of gadgets.
  • Technology keeps on advancing to make appliances smarter and more efficient.
  • Different people have different techniques of making use of the same technology.
  • Application of science and engineering takes the shape of the technology

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Modern technology

Modern technology is simply an advancement of old technology, the impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in different ways and sometimes the way we implement various technologies ends up harming our lives or the society we leave in. What we call modern technology is technically not so new in most cases. For example, mobile phone technology has evolved with years, nowadays we use smartphones which have been an advancement of an ordinary mobile phone.

Technology is applied to the roles each individual fulfills during life. We use technology on a daily basis to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern Technology increases human capabilities and this technology has evolved with years. What used to work before, might not be working now, it must  have got old or got replaced by modern technology. Let’s look at a simple example in Transportation technology, this technology has evolved with years, we used to use steam powered trains now those have been replaced by electronic trains which move faster than steam trains.
Modern technology simplifies life in so many ways and everyone defines technology in their own way. To some people, it means complicated electronic devices. To others, it means the source of the radical changes that are happening in all phases of life. Others define technology as science applied to practical purposes. Some people fear to use technology while others see it as the source of longer and more complete lives

Electronic Pickpocketing: Understand the Threat

Digitalization is the integration of digital technologies into everyday life by the digitization of everything that can be digitized. The literal meaning of digitalization gives an apparent idea of development and technology dependent world.

After demonetisation in 2016 India is heading towards digitalization...i.e probably hereafter all the money transactions will be digitalised...

Pick pocketing is a crime that has been with society for hundreds of years. Put simply, it involves lifting an item of value from inside a persons clothing; and most importantly without their knowledge of the theft at the time.

The act of pick pocketing requires considerable skill, dexterity and often the ability to misdirect the attention of others that might otherwise seek to alert the victim. One only has to think of fictional pickpockets such as those that appear within the pages of Charles Dickens' novel Oliver Twist to get a feel for how such crimes are choreographed

In the past, thieves had to physically steal your wallet to get ahold of your money, but now a casual brush against you is all they need to steal valuable payment information.

Electronic pickpockets, or the ‘e-pickpocket’ make claims that such devices can be adapted to remotely scan the data from ‘contactless’ bank cards. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips, or tags as these are more commonly known, are now being added to bank cards, travel passes and door entry systems; with the hope that in doing so customer experiences will be improved.

Top 5 Problems with Technology in Education


Technology has been used in most schools since the ‘90s (remember CD-ROMS?), but it still has some hiccups. We weigh in on some of the most problematic issues facing the edtech world today.

1. The Band-Aid

The idea that technology can save education may have some truth in it, but it may be problematic to treat all our educational issues with technology. In 2007, Education Week reported on a major federal study that found, “no difference in academic achievement between students who used the technology in their classrooms and youngsters who used other methods.” If students aren’t proficient in their studies to begin with and technology is used incorrectly, a whole mess of problems could arise. What’s wrong with the Band-Aid thinking is that technology needs to be planned out into schools in a very precise manner in order for it to be effective, and to cover all of education’s problems in a Band-Aid may further aggravate the issues.

Comment below if you have something to add to the list or a different perspective on one of the items above, and make sure to read the top ways technology is improving education!n some of the most problematic issues facing the edtech world today.

2. The Facebook

And Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etcetera. Putting a computer in front of a high school student and expecting them NOT to go on Facebook or any other distracting non-school related site is kind of a joke. And it isn’t just the younger students that are in danger of losing focus; even graduate students can hardly help themselves to online distractions in the classroom. When keeping students excited and focused on the lesson at hand is one of the hardest task a teacher faces, a computer can be one of the most detrimental things to that student’s learning. Unless, of course, they’re using Facebook for collaboration.

3. The old-timer

Some teachers do not utilize the technology they’ve been given. They have been teaching for years and don’t want to incorporate something new into their time-tested lesson plans. Some schools are pushing instructors to incorporate technology into their syllabi and when it is poorly taught the technology is not used at optimal level. Any teacher given high-tech programs and expected to teach it in the classroom deserves proper training, and sometimes it isn’t provided. But all hope is not lost. We interviewed a few college students, and they had some helpful input for teachers to improve their use of technology in the classroom.

4. The crash

Before it was the dog ate the homework, now it’s the computer crashed and “It was all done before it got erased!” But, this popular excuse is used because it does happen. When using the computer and all its glitches to create a project that requires hours of work, it sometimes gets erased, doesn’t transfer over correctly, doesn’t save, or for one human error or another is gone. Many technology rookies have been in this position and curse at the computer that has stolen hours. Some students struggle simply to complete work that it seems unfair to put obstacles in their way, especially when some students may not have programs or the technology at home to become familiar with it. The problem with technology glitches is also seen with online textbooks. Some students have issues accessing textbooks at home if they don’t have a large enough bandwidth. Other access problems to online materials can delay students and put them behind in class. This is one of many reasons to make sure your school has a stable, reliable cloud storage system in place.

5. The crutch

Students are so quick to turn to the Internet to answer questions that some believe critical thinking has gone down the tube. Spelling is no longer something tested if everything is autocorrected and spell checked. This may be a larger issue of technology on our memory and brain-strength, but if we are using the Internet in schools, then kids are being taught to use Google to answer all their questions and to essentially, copy and paste their knowledge. Education needs to figure out how to use technology in a way that doesn’t replace knowledge, but reinforces it. Yet for students with disabilities or language barriers, using technology in the classroom can be less of a crutch and more of a launchpad for understanding.

Technology is not limiting creativity

Technology is not limiting creativity; rather it is helping this to grow. This is because technology helps businesses to grow and expand thereby becoming more capable of providing scope for the full potential of human creativity.

Technology has made many innovations possible in fields as diverse as music, entertainment and film-making. It has expanded the scope and power of human imagination by enhancing the limits to which one can go in the creative process.


The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry is called technology.

Technology is a powerful teaching aid that allows anyone with an Internet connection to access a wealth of information. It has increased communication and connectivity all over the world and has created a thriving new industry that provides employment for millions of people.Technology also allows for more interactive teaching styles that encourage students to engage with the material rather than rely on memorizing facts and concepts.

However, technology also enables cheating among students, creates new types of crime by using different techniques.We should aware about technology and how can we use for innovative is more important than creating a new technology.

Technology Replacing Human Imagination?

Noted scientist and thinker Albert Einstein has stressed that imagination is more important than knowledge. This is because knowledge is limited to what is known and understood while imagination embraces the world and points to all there ever will be to know and understand.

But technology has changed the way people approach everything from online sales to writing. Has technology changed us for the better or the worse when it comes to furthering the cause of the human imagination? Let us explore the depth of the issue underlying the tradeoff between creativity and technology.

Yes, technology has replaced creativity with piracy.

1. Computing has replaced creativity- Computers and the incessant use of technology have restricted the sphere of knowledge and creativity to the screen. This has lowered the application of human creativity and imagination in all spheres

2. These are no longer original -Any thesis or academic writing is no longer original because the computer and the internet has made it easy to access academic information at any given point in time. This restricts human imagination and creativity in academic settings. Replication of information has become easy and intellectual data theft is rampant thanks to technology

3. Piracy has become widespread - Perhaps the biggest obstacle in giving a free rein to human imagination has been the use of pirated software and products in the market. Data theft has become a common problem across creative fields such as movie making and fiction writing thanks to piracy and the influx of technology. Software packages are also replicated causing tremendous losses in terms of reduced programming creativity and revenue damage.

4. Technology has made mass scale replication possible -Technology has made it possible to replicate on a mass scale, and this mass market production limits the role of human creativity and imagination in every field from education to science and manufacturing.

5. Technology has stifled creativity - Thanks to the presence of graphics software and other technological advancements, creativity and originality have gone for a toss. Replicating the Mona Lisa or Van Gogh’s Sunflowers is now possible with the click of a mouse.

6. Special effects cancel out human imagination and creativity - Technology has mechanised everything from music to film making and there is no scope for innovation or human creativity to take flight. Technology has deadened the creative process through short cuts in production methods which create artificial offerings that cannot match the originality of past products. From recycled plots to fake special effects, the entertainment and mass media industry has undergone a negative change thanks to technology.

No, technology improves communication and gets new ideas!

1. Technology is a platform for talent - Technology has made many innovations possible in fields as diverse as music, entertainment and film-making. It has expanded the scope and power of human imagination by enhancing the limits to which one can go in the creative process.

2. From health to science, technology has made innovation possible - Technology has furthered the cause of human innovation and imagination in fields as far apart as philosophy and molecular biology. Advancement of technologies has also helped in the growth of the health sector and enabled healthcare to become life prolonging. Using scientific creativity and human innovation, biotechnology has revolutionised the field of pharma and healthcare.

3. Technology helps human imagination to grow - Technology is not limiting creativity; rather it is helping this to grow. This is because technology helps businesses to grow and expand thereby becoming more capable of providing scope for the full potential of human creativity.

4. Communication becomes easier, imagination gets a boost - Technology has also boosted communication which facilitates creativity through the spread of knowledge and ideas across the globe. Sharing ideas is the key to forming insights, and many famous inventors have taken inspiration from past innovations. Technology has quickened the pace of communication and provided online knowledge industry which is thriving and enhancing human creativity by leaps and bounds.


Technology has only unleashed the power and potential of human creativity and imagination. From making films and documentaries to composing great works of music and art to even scientific innovations, technology has liberated human imagination and provided a complete scope for aiding the creativity of man. Only societies which are progressive and technologically advanced can hope to tap the power of human creativity. There is no room in today’s world for outdated methods. Across a globe where technology is even used to fight elections and wars, the cause of human imagination can be advanced through the progress and growth of technology. To see technology as a counter to human creativity is to misunderstand its very essence- which is the expansion of innovation that gives a free rein to human imagination.